On December 14, PCU-WHS hosted a virtual Convocation Ceremony for the awarding of the first Bachelor of Disability Management, a milestone both for the University and in the life of the very first graduating student.
Shanna Ramm enrolled in the degree program in 2015, and participated in the University’s flexible, distance-learning approach. She was able to achieve the Bachelor of Disability Management while living in Saskatchewan and working full-time as a Senior Disability & Wellness Specialist for Mosaic Inc., a major resource extraction company.
The Honourable Wayne Wouters, PC, OC, Chancellor of PCU-WHS, opened the Convocation Ceremony with his words of congratulations. “Shanna, this achievement is even more extraordinary when considering that you are the very first to be awarded this degree, and have accomplished this without a group of peers by your side or alumni from previous years to guide you. Your independent achievement speaks to your resilience, focus and commitment, and you have made all of us so very proud.”
Ken Neumann, Canadian National Director of the United Steelworkers and PCU-WHS Board of Governors Co-Chair, added his congratulations to Shanna stating the urgent need to better protect our workers and support those suffering from illness and injury. He stated, “COVID-19 has certainly upended all of our lives, but persons with disabilities have been much more negatively affected.”
Prof. Dr. Joachim Breuer, President of the International Social Security Association, a United Nations affiliated organization located in Geneva, who is a member of the Board of Governors for PCU-WHS, acknowledged the international significance of this landmark achievement and added his congratulations to Shanna on her graduation. “This is a great and fascinating moment. Working in Disability Management is a passion, and you have it. You are on more than a career path, it is a highway, filled with future possibilities.
Shanna thanked her family and her employer for their support and reflected on the impacts of her studies. “It has been a lot of work, but so worthwhile. Specialized education really benefits everyone.”
Lisa Davis, Shanna’s Manager at Mosaic Inc., who joined the ceremony to celebrate Shanna’s achievement, emphasized the value of this specialized education, from an employer’s perspective. “Shanna, you are an amazing asset to our business. This degree will only take us further with our work on Disability Management.”
In closing, Chancellor Wouters had the following comment for Shanna, “Your skills and expertise will allow you to support vulnerable community members and assist them in navigating their own paths forward, so that they too can realize their potential and make their own valued contributions to society. “
Congratulations to Shanna Ramm on becoming the first graduate of the Bachelor of Disability Management, a proud day for you and for the University.
To read more on the Convocation Ceremony, please see attached newsletter.
If you have any questions, please contact the University as follows:
Email: info@pcu-whs.ca
Web: www.pcu-whs.ca